Go Fund Me
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3. Go Fund Me

Go Fund Me - Floodlights for promotion

Our aim is to get promoted to the northern league at the end of the current playing season 2020/21 and our only requirement for this is that we need floodlights. We have gained the planning permission required but due to the cost ,we need to raise as much money as possible to achieve this and we welcome donations from individuals, family members and local businesses.

All donations will be used for this project helping us hopefully achieve our target, having floodlights installed will not only benefit the first team but also other teams in the club and surrounding areas.

This is the first time the club have applied for promotion to the northern league and feel that this season is achievable.

Please help a great club run by a group of committed volunteers achieve their target!

To donate now, please visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/floodlights-for-promotion